I am en route to Narita with my parents after two amazing weeks in Japan, thanks to the meticulous planning on the part of the entire JapanQuest Journeys team as well as real-time adjustments and accommodations by the local team, especially our wonderful tour guide, Tomo.
It is a lot of work traveling with aging parents, especially opinionated ones! The team could not be more patient, gracious, and accommodating, and in being so made the trip more enjoyable and my life so much easier.
The sights and accommodations were superb, as are the private events you arranged. The highlight for both of my parents was the day in Kyoto that began with a guided meditation with the temple master and wrapped with a performance by talented and beautiful geishas. Mine are too many to name.
You have my gratitude and unequivocal support and endorsement of the high bar you set and deliver to. Thank you again.