
Japan Travel News

Recent Journey to Japan

Posted on July 12, 2011 within News

A few days ago, I returned from a trip to Japan (Tokyo-Kyoto-Hiroshima-Miyajima) and wanted to share a few thoughts. In all areas visited and through many conversations with government officials, owners of inns, hotel managers, colleagues and friends across the country, I found that the Japanese people are eager to welcome back visitors. Individuals are going about their business as usual, people are traveling on holiday and there were noticeable levels of foreigners traveling as well–enjoying themselves. Some hotels were at capacity such as in Kyoto while others who rely a bit more on foreign travel are looking forward to increased tourism in the days to come. Restaurants were lively, food was exquisite and there were many tourists at all the major sites.

It was an extremely positive experience to return and I can undoubtedly say that Japan is open for business! I traveled with a cross-section of travel professionals from across the US and all left excited with Japan as their destination of choice. What better way to support its people and the country than to visit this enchanting and captivating place.

Scott Gilman